Fanart Gallery
All publicly recognizable characters, places, etc. are the property of their respective owners. I do not gain any money from this website or its contents.
You may encounter content ahead you find objectionable, unpleasant, disturbing, poorly drawn, eyesearing, off-putting, or otherwise not to your tastes. The back button is there if you need it.
Though my work is typically very SFW, this is not a space intended for minors. If you're under 13, this is your reminder. Here may be dragons.
(There is not very much here yet - this part of the site hasn't been worked on as much as the fic archive, since I have stuff backed up across multiple platforms already. I recommend checking my tumblr or DA for an actual portfolio, lol.)
Click to see full size! (And hover for labels/descriptions!)
Fic Art
For My Own Fic

Cover art for Changeling Child, made for Battle on the Big Bridge 2019. Drawn in FireAlpaca.
For Other People's Fic
Hollow Knight Gijinka/Human AU Art
quill and nail (2 pages)

Part 1 of an art gift drawn for Razia for Unconventional Fanwork Exchange 2021, under the penname naminobis.

Part 2 of an art gift drawn for Razia for Unconventional Fanwork Exchange 2021.
General Fanart: 2020

A 4th anniversary fanart I repurposed for the 5th anniversary because I didn't finish it in time.
General Fanart: 2019

The second one. I should have posted these to tumblr, honestly. They would have made a good photoset.
General Fanart: 2017 And Older
(Mostly traditional art.)