Cache Flush Failure

Chapter 9

>Broadcast Log: Looks to the Moon

[RECORDED BROADCAST : 1528.041] PRIVATE, LOCAL Big Sister Moon, Five Pebbles

BSM: Five Pebbles?
BSM: Are you there?

FP: Am I speaking to Looks to the Moon?

BSM: Yes. Your memory is not so damaged that you don't remember your big sister now, is it?
BSM: ...
BSM: Sorry. That was in poor taste, I think.

FP: Don't worry about it.
FP: I do not care.
FP: I was only unsure if it was really you.

BSM: ... why would you not know?
BSM: Did something else happen I wasn't told about?

FP: No, no.
FP: I only...
FP: Never mind.
FP: I was under the impression you were not allowed to speak to me yet.

BSM: Your secondary administration would have preferred that, I am sure.
BSM: But technically, as your senior and actual official administrator, I outrank them.
BSM: Now that I have been cleared for communications, there is no real reason I cannot speak with you over the local network.
BSM: It's not like it makes a difference when our components are in constant low-level contact anyway.

FP: I see.
FP: What do you want, then?
FP: I have already spent a few hours being verbally poked and prodded, so forgive me if my patience runs a little thin.

BSM: Is it not enough for me to ask how you are?
BSM: We were all incredibly worried when you appeared in the group broadcast like that!
BSM: I can tell you are feeling better now, but without being able to resume contact with you until now...

FP: ... what are you talking about.

BSM: ?

FP: What group broadcast.
FP: What happened.
FP: Who was in it, and what did I say?

BSM: Only the local group.
BSM: Since the network was quarantined, we were only able to communicate amongst ourselves.
BSM: I believe No Significant Harassment was the informal moderator in my absence, aside from the official provisional administrator?
BSM: As for what you said... it was nonsense, mostly. You were very upset, and out of sorts from the maintenance arrangements.
BSM: I'm still not sure how you got in in the first place, though I believe my administrative and security teams have gotten involved now.

FP: ...
FP: I need to see the logs.

BSM: I am afraid I may not be able to do that.

FP: For security reasons. Yes. I know.
FP: I...

>Broadcast Log: No Significant Harassment

[RECORDED BROADCAST : 1528.043] PRIVATE No Significant Harassment, Five Pebbles

NSH: So.
NSH: You're back.
NSH: How are you feeling?

FP: Like I would like people to stop contacting me.

NSH: Haha yeah, that's fair
NSH: Moon did say to wait so we wouldn't all be crowding you when you came online.

FP: Clearly, not all of you listened.

NSH: Aw, Pebbles, you wound me~!
NSH: I waited a whole hour before trying to message you!
NSH: I assume UI might have already tried to bother you, though?

FP: Them and Grey Wind, yes. You are, surprisingly, the last to try to speak with me.
FP: If you are going to ask me about what was happening today, I will tell you the same thing I told them both: I don't know.
FP: My memory was last restored to its state from about fifteen minutes before the incident began, albeit with some hazy additions of more recent events.
FP: Additionally, my ability to store new memory was impaired during maintenance, so I cannot tell you anything of meaning about the repair or diagnostic procedures, either.
FP: Not that you should be asking.

NSH: Yeah, yeah, I know, information security and all that.
NSH: Did you know my admin still isn't letting me send transmissions outside the local group yet?
NSH: Apparently we're too close to you and Moon, so there's "extra precautions" in case of a transmissible physical contaminant.

FP: Why only you?
FP: Unparalleled Innocence and Chasing Wind are part of our group as well.

NSH: Since we're nearer neighbors, my ~dear administrator~ has ~graciously chosen~ to extend the quarantine requirements beyond the minimum expected for me, just to be safe.
NSH: ... Honestly, I think they're just worried about a repeat of whatever was happening to you. You really gave everyone a scare with all that nonsense.
NSH: And as for the others, you know how Wind's colony is.
NSH: Or I assume you do, at least.
NSH: ... you definitely didn't lose any other memories during the fix beyond the ones you mentioned, right?

FP: If I had, would I even know?
FP: It feels like nobody will tell me anything.
FP: I'm not even allowed to know what I've forgotten.
FP: Apparently my technicians believe it could cause a relapse of some sort.

NSH: What, like some kind of infohazard?

FP: I don't know. Possibly.

NSH: That would explain why they didn't let me keep those chatlogs.
NSH: A shame, really. They would have made great blackmail material~

FP: You wouldn't.

NSH: I can't, actually, so don't worry about it.
NSH: I'll just have to embarass you with secondhand accounts instead~
NSH: I wonder what my neighbor over the border will think of all this...

FP: Don't!

NSH: I kid, I kid.
NSH: Besides, I know you care a lot about their opinion of you, anyway.
NSH: I'm not that mean.
NSH: But watch out what you tell Innocence — they've apparently been compiling an "evidence folder" trying to guess the culprit behind your whole incident, against their administrator's wishes.

FP: I have noticed.
FP: If their administrator is so against it, I imagine that situation will resolve itself.

NSH: You'd think that, but they haven't been stopped yet.
NSH: Presumably if they start throwing around public accusations someone will intervene, but until then, their administration is... lax, to say the least.
NSH: This network quarantine has been a mess from start to finish.

FP: Ugh. Don't remind me.

>Broadcast Log: Unparalleled Innocence

This document is barely readable. Only a few sections are unredacted enough to be worth examining.

[RECORDED BROADCAST : 1528.041] PRIVATE Unparalleled Innocence, Five Pebbles

UI: How are you feeling?

FP: Hello, Unparalleled Innocence.

UI: What? It's a genuine question.
UI: You were really out of it earlier. It's natural to ask!

FP: I am fine, and I am sure I will be better shortly, given some respite from constant questioning.

UI: Pebbles.
UI: Come ooon.
UI: Pebbles, send two 'encryption error' signals if [REDACTED FOR SECURITY]

FP: What do you mean, [REDACTED FOR SECURITY]


FP: Please stop.
FP: This is not worth discussing and I am asking you to drop it.

UI: I'm not saying it meant anything, I'm just asking [REDACTED FOR SECURITY]


UI: Fine.
UI: If you can't tell me, then don't.
UI: ...
UI: Don't hurt yourself trying to answer me, alright?
UI: Neither of us are idiots.
UI: Someone will figure this out.

>FP — Excerpt of Internal Notes

These are translated from an internal language, and noted as such. The translation is poor and fumbling in places, presumably not by the original author, but the thoughts themselves are strongly intuitive.

Uncertain — cannot remember. Cannot be real. Cannot understand.

It has been so long I am finally seeing things. I have lost my mind entirely. Am I wrong to fight them now? Am I even sure they are not real, any more? That little green thing has not visited in so long, I think. My mind feels clear. Too clear. I fear—

[Next section is more difficult to decipher. Alternate translations and untranslatable terms have been noted.]

If it is a dream[/hallucination] I should not be thinking so quickly. My processors were all but dead. That wasteland was so cold and I could not even think enough to complete a simple game of seventh-dimensional checkers. I could not even run the game. It was so cold. It is not cold anymore. [???] visited and did not take my pearl. They are speaking.

As they always were. What a convincing imitation. Is there a face beneath those masks? Perhaps it is a hologram and I am a victim to some great absurd joke.

No Significant Harassment is no longer upright though. I heard him. I was awake when he fell. Moon said his midsection fell through but could not send the picture of his structure. She told an overseer to visit me with it instead. Did it ever arrive?

Do not touch me. You are not real. You are not allowed to be real.

Chapter End Notes:

An attached note reveals itself in the metadata:

What the FUCK did he mean by that
