Cache Flush Failure
Chapter 7
>LOG: FP — First Reboot (Behavioral Log)
[Audio pickup from CAN INTERIOR, beginning at timestamp 036.20. Voices identified as DIPLOMAT Seven Bridges—Countless Spirals (DL_SBCS), PRIMARY TECHNICIAN Light Scattered on Glinting Shards (PT_LSGS), ITERATOR Five Pebbles (FP)]
PT_LSGS: [inaudible due to abrupt beginning of recording] —online now.
PT_LSGS: Hello, iterator. How are you feeling?FP: ... terrible. Why am I on the floor?
FP: My arm is not functioning properly, and my processing speeds are... at a mind-numbing crawl.
FP: Why do I not...?
FP: ... wait.
FP: What...?!PT_LSGS: Are you back with us now?
FP: ... I feel like I've awoken from a terrible dream, and only partly at that.
FP: How novel.PT_LSGS: Your lucidity is a good sign. Though that may only be the sedatives having left your system.
FP: The what?!
FP: Why would you need to...!?DL_SBCS: You do have my genuine apologies for that, iterator.
DL_SBCS: You were very upset when we arrived, and refused to cooperate for the emergency scans. Despite our efforts, you could not be calmed, and your technicians believed it would be necessary for the quarantining procedures.PT_LSGS: That is correct. Since you were confined to the chamber systems, transferring the umbilical required a reduction of neural activity in the puppet as a safety precaution. Given that you were not willing (or, in all likelihood, able) to do so on your own...
FP: I... oh. I see.
FP: ... so I was under maintenance, confined to my chamber...
FP: A security issue, or...?PT_LSGS: Do you remember why we are here?
FP: ...
FP: I dimly recall some manner of confrontation.
FP: I believe I told you to leave my chamber.
FP: This was inappropriate, of course, but I must have felt quite strongly about it at the time.
FP: A sense of unreality seems to color the whole experience...
FP: ... that did happen, didn't it?DL_SBCS: Yes. You were clearly quite upset. Your behavior was unacceptable—
FP: Oh.
DL_SBCS: —but given your apparent state of malfunction, it has been forgiven.
FP: Ah. Thank you.
PT_LSGS: If I may interrupt again.
FP: Yes?
PT_LSGS: I will need to ask a few more questions. Not difficult ones, mind you, but standard protocol requires a check for basic data retention.
PT_LSGS: The first: please state your designation and purpose.FP: ... Five Pebbles. My purpose is to continue work on the Great Problem of ascension alongside other iterators, to manage the Metropolis and associated outlying regions, and assist my senior Looks to the Moon in her duties to compensate for the increased demand placed on her aging hardware.
PT_LSGS: Good.
PT_LSGS: What is the current time and date?FP: ... the date is 1528. Current timestamp is 036.08, but this does not sound correct. I believe my internal clock may have desynchronized during maintenance.
PT_LSGS: Your date is correct. You are roughly thirteen minutes behind, but this should resolve itself once the puppet is reconnected, of course. Please let us know if it does not.
FP: Obviously. Do you have anything else to ask me?
FP: Perhaps some basic arithmetic, if you are still in the vein of questions a child with a cheap pocketwatch could answer?DL_SBCS: Iterator.
FP: Just because I am confined to my puppet does not mean I am suddenly incapable of complex processes.
DL_SBCS: That is true, iterator, but we are simply testing your memory and awareness right now.
DL_SBCS: You were behaving abnormally for several hours, and your puppet's local memories were edited during maintenance.
DL_SBCS: An operation this involved can risk local neurological damage. I am sure you would rather we noticed such harm earlier rather than later.FP: ...
FP: ... Right.
FP: Apologies. I meant no disrespect. I am merely disoriented and irritable from previous events.PT_LSGS: We understand, and your civility is appreciated in such trying times.
PT_LSGS: Now. The name of your system administrator?FP: Looks to the Moon is my administrator as well as my group's senior.
FP: ... in fact, why is she not a part of this? I see no good reason why she should be excluded from this mess.PT_LSGS: Looks to the Moon sent us the initial report of your condition, but as it was classified as potentially viral, connections were severed as a matter of safety protocol.
PT_LSGS: As such, by the powers vested in me by the Metropolitan technical covenants and Lunar succession as your primary technician, I am also acting as your temporary administrator until Looks to the Moon is restored to normal clearance.FP: ... oh.
FP: I see.PT_LSGS: I hold much hope that the situation may be resolved in due time.
PT_LSGS: In the meantime, I am afraid you will have to tolerate my bothersome presence a little longer.FP: I said that I meant no disrespect.
PT_LSGS: And no offense has been taken.
PT_LSGS: Now, what is the last clear thing you can recall, chronologically?FP: This conversation.
PT_LSGS: Before that.
FP: Ah. Hm.
FP: ...
FP: ... I was...
FP: I had a conversation with Looks to the Moon over the local bridge, requesting that she stop sending so many overseers into my can.
FP: I felt she was being overbearing.
FP: I believe she apologized.
FP: And after that...
FP: It becomes less clear.PT_LSGS: Oh?
FP: I was... trying to test a simulation, but the details seem to have become corrupted.
FP: I cannot find the original file. I don't...
FP: I don't remember...PT_LSGS: ... one supposes that should not be a surprise.
PT_LSGS: We can attempt to decipher the relevant data at a later date. Ideally on a device not connected to your structure, in case of reinfection.
PT_LSGS: Do you recall any additional details?FP: ... no. Any record of the process is gone now.
FP: I would check to see if any information was deleted that might be recoverable, but I do not think I can access the relevant areas of memory without reconnecting to...
FP: To...
FP: [static, rising in volume]
FP: [brief garbled audio, meaning unclear]PT_LSGS: Five Pebbles? Are you still with us?
FP: N... no, I... I just...
[Sounds of minor static discharge, over a period of several seconds.]
FP: Augh.
FP: It hurts to...PT_LSGS: Please do not try to decipher any corrupted data on your own.
PT_LSGS: We do not know what it contains yet.FP: Why... can't I...
FP: [static]
FP: ...PT_LSGS: Iterator?
FP: ... I am present.
FP: My apologies.
FP: That was rash on my part. My risk assessment may be... impaired, by my current condition.PT_LSGS: Very possibly. Regardless, it is advised you do not strain yourself right now, iterator.
PT_LSGS: We will work this out with time.
PT_LSGS: For now, we will ask that you rest and remain as-is for further assessment and observation, until we have properly diagnosed the root issue.FP: ...
FP: Of course.
FP: I understand.
FP: ... if I may ask, though, when do you intend to re-enable my puppet arm? Or reconnect me to the rest of my systems?PT_LSGS: When we are confident you will not be a danger to yourself or require further restraint.
FP: I am clear-headed now.
PT_LSGS: Yes, and you were not a mere hour ago. And before that, you appeared perfectly well.
PT_LSGS: You will not be killed by a few hours confined to your chamber, iterator, and neither will your citizens.
PT_LSGS: Allow us to do our work, and your systems will be restored when they are ready.FP: Hmmph.
PT_LSGS: I am sure you find as little enjoyment in this as I do, but the work is necessary nonetheless.
PT_LSGS: In the meantime, I will need you to cooperate for a few more short tests.
PT_LSGS: You can handle that, can't you?FP: I... of course I can. Obviously.
PT_LSGS: Good.
PT_LSGS: This part should be simpler for you. You will hardly even need to participate.
PT_LSGS: I will merely have you run a simple series of simulations, and use this [sound of movement] to monitor select neural responses.FP: Oh.
PT_LSGS: It should not cause you any pain or impairment, and you should not recall the details afterward.
PT_LSGS: The procedure will take some time, though, since you are running on such drastically reduced hardware. Some auxiliary function may be temporarily capped during the tests to ensure appropriate performance.FP: Does that... have to be connected there?
DL_SBCS: It will not hurt, iterator, remember?
DL_SBCS: It is only an external attachment.FP: I am aware.
PT_LSGS: Let us just get this over with.
PT_LSGS: Five Pebbles, please keep your puppet still for a moment. It will be inconvenient otherwise.FP: [sound of static]
PT_LSGS: ... there.
PT_LSGS: We will just shut off external sensory inputs for the moment to reduce the processing load, and then—FP: Wait, shut off—?
FP: [a small cry of alarm]DL_SBCS: Light. A little warning, please.
PT_LSGS: I said something before I did it, didn't I?
PT_LSGS: Besides, it will be easier to discuss the outputs if he cannot hear us.DL_SBCS: [a sigh] You may be correct, but my point stands.
PT_LSGS: I'm not about to switch everything back on just to tell him the same thing a second time, only to plunge him back into the dark again.
PT_LSGS: He is intelligent enough to figure out what is happening.
PT_LSGS: Not that it will matter to him much in a moment...
>FP — Transcript of Selected Recovered Qualia From CMEM_1695.200.09_1695.200.10.CMQ
Transcribed and analyzed by: Cairn of Eight Stones—Nine Branches, Melodious Winds Upon High Towers, Five Petals—Sixteen Beads, Two Spears—A Weeping Stone.
An Obligatory Note: due to the inherently Subjective nature of qualia, many details and descriptions of the extracted data are difficult to render precisely in transcript. Additionally, the nature of qualia keyed to an iterator structure is such that high-fidelity sensory or other data must be split into individual streams for comprehensible rendering, and may not be accurately transcribed when experienced by a Smaller, Less Complex Being.
Multiple passes have been made to increase the odds of reasonable accuracy, but full fidelity cannot be guaranteed, and many details will undoubtedly be lost in transcription. Individual observations and variances in perception have been included as italicized annotations where relevant.
Memory begins with physical sensation at earliest timestamp — a general awareness of the superstructure, and a sense of discomfort and gut-equivalent unease. Visuals seem to be inactive, momentarily. Possible emotions — difficult to distinguish — Fear, Disgust, Frustration, Indignation, Anger. (—TSAWS)
A sensation perhaps analogous to inhaling or swallowing, which appears to begin before the record starts. Tactile/Haptic inputs indicate cold temperature and movement, recorded internally as water. Most likely the activity of intake pumps. (—CESNB)
Visuals begin at approximately 200.09.16, showing the inside of a puppet chamber, implicitly that of Five Pebbles. This is the memory's primary area of focus.
Pearls circle the room in restless orbits — prioproceptive awareness reflects a lack of gravity. A projected interface appears, but most options and details are not readable, as the experiencer does not regard them as relevant or worthy of recording. Visuals focus on the overseer feed on the right-hand side of the projection, which displays an indistinct but motile shape inside what is implicitly understood as somewhere inside the superstructure. The displayed shape evokes a strong sense of Fear and Disgust and again, after this initial reaction, Anger and/or Frustration (—TSAWS).
The Shape is implicitly understood as (and clearly resembles) a degenerate cyst, likely not the first of which has begun to develop. The affected region appears already partially colonized with less mobile aberrations along the surface of the walls behind it. (—CESNB)
Sensations of cold water and intense, focused pressure lasting approximately 30 seconds, implicitly understood as application of a high-powered stream directly to the location of the Shape/cyst. The overseer feed is drowned out as visual noise from the water overtakes it. A distant sensation of pain, perhaps similar to attempting to dislodge a splinter or small debris from skin, which intensifies sharply, then dulls.
When overseer visuals return, the Shape/cyst is still present. An intense wave of frustration and underlying distress (—TSAWS). Although it appears initially stunned by the onslaught, it begins to move again shortly. Frustration intensifies.
The sensation of inhaling or swallowing begins again, but is interrupted by a sensation reminiscent of both emotional and electrical shock, and sudden awareness of another presence, understood as involuntary. The chamber darkens slightly, and red emergency alert symbols appear on the walls.
Another projected screen appears (places itself (—MWUHT)) in front of the first, and there is an overwhelming compulsion to read it. Callsign and source trace show that it is a forced broadcast from senior Looks to the Moon. Presumably this is the source of the compulsion. There is a deeper sense of Frustration aimed at this, as well; an air of Contempt and Disobedience. (-TSAWS) The message is skimmed but not fully perceived. The message itself appears fragmented and repetitive, as if the sender were experiencing an equipment or process failure. There is an impression that the contents are a distress call of some kind. (—FPSB)
The message is dismissed without reply within two (2) seconds. Attention returns to the Shape/cyst, which continues to move. A sensation of emotional and/or physical Nausea, in addition to continuation of prior sensations.
Record ends.
>LOG: FP — Reactivity Testing Follow-up (Behavioral Log)
[Audio pickup from CAN INTERIOR, beginning at timestamp 037.09. Voices identified as PRIMARY TECHNICIAN Light Scattered on Glinting Shards (PT_LSGS), DIPLOMAT Seven Bridges—Countless Spirals (DL_SBCS), ITERATOR Five Pebbles (FP)]
PT_LSGS: Five Pebbles? Are you with us again?
FP: [static] ... what?
FP: Oh.
FP: Is it... over already?PT_LSGS: I told you you would probably not recall the details.
FP: I don't...
FP: Hm. I see.
FP: I suppose I should not be surprised at this point.
FP: Seeing as I do not remember them, will I at least be so generously allowed to see the outcomes of the tests?PT_LSGS: That will depend on the results, I am afraid.
FP: Don't you have those already?
PT_LSGS: They are still being processed.
FP: Hm. Of course.
[Dialogue lapses, about 10 seconds.]
FP: .... Might I at least know what, specifically, it is that you found wrong with me?
PT_LSGS: Aside from your earlier behavior?
FP: The technical details. If you will not let me access my own diagnostics, you might at least tell me what's wrong.
PT_LSGS: I can summarize for you, iterator, although any logs will have to wait for now.
PT_LSGS: The scan did not find any identifiable malware or any other unauthorized code, but quarantined several thousand other files of unknown origin.
PT_LSGS: Many of them appear to be memories, keyed to the parameters of your consciousness. Your systems had accepted these as legitimate, which seemed to have influenced your... unusual mental state.
PT_LSGS: They are not fully readable to us, as their particulars are obfuscated by biological interference and often too great in scale for our minds to simply decipher, but what has been experienced seems consistent with your earlier delusions.FP: ...
FP: ... you viewed them?PT_LSGS: Only a few small fragments that could be read, of course — your subjective consciousness is very difficult to experience in full.
PT_LSGS: What was recovered was only rendered comprehensible by simulating the contents in an isolated virtual machine and transcribing the output into simpler, narrower forms.
PT_LSGS: I would dissuade you from attempting to re-experience them yourself, as the effects could still be... detrimental, to your awareness at this time. Emotions often leave a stronger neural imprint, and given how distraught you appeared before...FP: I see.
FP: ...
FP: Is Looks to the Moon... still well?DL_SBCS: I cannot discuss the particulars, but I assure you I believe she is presently unharmed and healthy.
DL_SBCS: ... We have been forced to block multiple queries from her at this point, in fact. Despite the quarantine, she is quite eager to hear if you are recovering.FP: Oh.
FP: I suppose she would care more about fussing over my condition than her own, wouldn't she?DL_SBCS: She means well, Five Pebbles. You know that.
FP: It is still unnecessary and a waste of time on her part.
PT_LSGS: I would not blame it all on that.
PT_LSGS: Your little stunt with the bridge has had us fielding queries from your entire local group at this point.FP: ... my what?
PT_LSGS: ... Ah. Right. I suppose you wouldn't remember much from the scan.
PT_LSGS: You managed to bypass a firewall by some rather concerning means, and rerouted your communications through Looks to the Moon's system to try and access the broadcast network.
PT_LSGS: It is a good thing we had already established a quarantine by then, so your access was limited, but I am sure our security lead will be having words with you about the particulars.
PT_LSGS: For your sake, I dearly hope you found what information you did through genuinely innocuous auspices, and that you had legitimate reasons for failing to alert us to it.FP: I still have no idea what you are talking about.
PT_LSGS: Five Pebbles, please do not lie about this. It will not benefit you to conceal a potential vulnerability for your own short-term gain.
PT_LSGS: If it wasn't you who was responsible, we have yet another problem on our hands which I do not like to consider.FP: I am telling you the truth. I don't know what you are referring to, nor how I would have done it.
FP: I am not even sure what it is you think I did!PT_LSGS: ... noted.
PT_LSGS: I do not envy Luna's security team right now, with all the internal drama they are no doubt about to experience. Then again, I suppose they would not envy me right now, either...
PT_LSGS: At any rate, the security lead should be meeting with you later today.
PT_LSGS: In the meantime, your overall condition is promising. We will be monitoring your systems closely in case of a relapse, but with good fortune and sufficient care, this may be able to remain an isolated incident.FP: I am... glad to be lucid again, I suppose.
FP: Even if I do not exactly recall...
FP: Ugh.
FP: May I at least continue my work in here while I wait for this 'observation period' to end?PT_LSGS: Your working pearls are unfortunately not available at this time. They were removed and quarantined after the scans, as a safety precaution in the case that anything malicious was written to them.
PT_LSGS: Hopefully a few days of local progress should not be a great setback to lose, if it comes to that.FP: Oh.
DL_SBCS: If all goes well, you should be able to have them back soon.
DL_SBCS: Until then, I believe I can have someone bring a few clean pearls to work on, if you are interested?
DL_SBCS: I am not sure you will be able to keep them, but if that does not bother you...FP: ...
FP: Never mind.
FP: I suppose I will simply have to wait a short time for this to be over with.
FP: I will be in standby if you need me.[Dialogue lapses, about three (3) seconds.]
PT_LSGS: Right, of course. That too is acceptable, iterator.
[Dialogue lapses. Sounds of movement, attributed to the egress of Seven Bridges-Countless Spirals from the chamber during this period. Dialogue resumes at timestamp 035.52.]
FP: Nn...
FP: No...PT_LSGS: Iterator?
[Six (6) seconds of silence.]
FP: Wh... why would...
FP: ...
FP: ... who...?
FP: Who is...?PT_LSGS: Five Pebbles. Please do not try to recall your delusions.
PT_LSGS: It was enough trouble to scrub what we could from your puppet as well as your data banks.
PT_LSGS: You will not be helping anyone if you cause yourself to relapse.[Sound of movements, various. Sound of puppet arm moving abruptly.]
FP: Wh— hm?
FP: Oh. You have awoken me.
FP: What now? Did you need to both— er, ask me about something else?PT_LSGS: Just a reminder not to go digging.
PT_LSGS: Your puppet's higher rate of memory reuse will bury the remnants soon enough, but it will be far more difficult to ensure that if you cannot stop poking at things.
PT_LSGS: I do not wish to shut you out of your own puppet, but I will if I must.FP: To... !
FP: No! No, no, you will not need to do that.
FP: I assure you I am still in my own sane mind.PT_LSGS: That is a bold claim to be making in your current condition.
FP: I am lucid now. You can see that for yourself.
PT_LSGS: Even then, I cannot have you taking actions which may be harmful to your continued mental functions.
PT_LSGS: I understand the taboos may be a little loose sometimes, but you should know better, Five Pebbles.FP: I do know better.
FP: You do not need to remind me. You made me this way.PT_LSGS: I am only reminding you because you keep acting as if you have forgotten.
FP: ...
PT_LSGS: I am sure you are perfectly capable of keeping yourself in line, iterator.
PT_LSGS: I only wish to ensure you actually do so.FP: ...
FP: Right.
FP: I apologize again. I have been... unwise and... ill-behaved.
FP: I do not wish to give you cause to...PT_LSGS: It is alright, Five Pebbles.
PT_LSGS: You are under unusual circumstances. I am sure your misbehavior will be forgiven, so long as it is not repeated unnecessarily.
PT_LSGS: ... you may re-enter standby mode now, if that is how you would prefer to spend your time.FP: I have changed my mind.
FP: I would rather resume my work for now, if that is still an option.PT_LSGS: Certainly. I cannot guarantee you will be allowed to keep any pearls you write to at this time, though.
FP: I don't care. Just let me work.
PT_LSGS: If you insist.
[Dialogue lapses. Soft sounds of movement, mechanical activity attributed to Five Pebbles continue until the record ends at 038.00.]