Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: It's Complicated (Dimensional Links, Linked Universe)

  • Dimensional Links Ensemble
  • Linked Universe Ensemble
  • Crack Treated Semi-Seriously
  • Recursive Fanfiction CROSSOVER
  • (Because fanfic of a fanfic wasn't recursive enough)
  • Humor
  • Swearing
  • Canon-Typical Violence
  • would you believe me if i said this was a oneshot that grew legs

Length: 35k, 4/6 Chapters (Ongoing WIP)

Date Posted: 2021-07-11 (Last Updated: 2023-04-16)

A Windy, Blustery Day


Wind gets lost in Hyrule Field, over ten thousand years past his era, and is found by the Hero of Twilight.

Wind also gets lost in Hyrule Field, over ten thousand years past his era, and is found by the Hero of Twilight.

There's just one small problem: neither of these heroes are the heroes they think they are.

[Or: Linked Universe meets Dimensional Links. Written with apologies to both ChangelingRin and jojo56830.]


Based on a prompt from AvidLeori on AO3.

Do you ever have one of those prompts that just climbs out through the screen like a horror movie ghost and possesses you/holds you hostage to write it? Apparently, this was one of them.

I don't feel like I'm quite doing any of these characters justice, but there's an attempt, and I'm calling it there.

End Notes:

me starting this: i'll just throw together a couple quick little scenes
me, 4000 words later, trying to figure out which of the golden goddesses should say the fuck word first: