Ye Olde Obligatory About Page

Sup, I'm FJ. This site is my personal archive of fanworks, as a backup and alternative to various other sites. I don't expect AO3 to go down any time soon, but it's always nice to have another mirror somewhere.

Blanket Fannish Permission Statement

If you want to make podfic or recursive fanwork of any of my works, go ahead! Just please credit and link to the work you're transforming (i.e. don't claim the source as your own, haha.) If you're posting on AO3, I highly recommend using the 'inspired by' option to link back to me. And let me know when you're done -- I'd love to see it!

I'm also generally okay with translations, but I do appreciate being consulted for those, since sometimes there's intent/implication that can get lost in translation otherwise. TL;DR the answer is probably yes, but please talk to me first if possible!


I can be found at various other places linked on the front page, or emailed at this address.

General Site Disclaimer

All publicly recognizable fictional characters, places, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. I do not get any money whatsoever from this website or its contents, and all fanworks hosted here are noncommercial transformative works, permissible under fair use.

This website is a labor of love. No ads, no Patreon or Ko-Fi or whatever, nothing. I am just playing in the fandom sandbox for fun and the joy of the craft. If it weren't for free static hosts like Neocities this would literally be costing me money to maintain.

You may encounter content on this site you find objectionable, unpleasant, upsetting, problematic, poorly spelled, riddled with plot holes, featuring your worst NOTP, or otherwise not to your tastes. This may include content inappropriate for readers under certain ages.

As the author I may supply, but cannot always guarantee, reasonable warnings for upsetting or mature content. These warnings are given at my discretion and subject to no specific obligations or promises. The back button should be there if you need it.

While I do not collect any demographic information about my site's visitors, I would like to emphasize that this is not a site intended for visitors under the age of 13. Here be dragons.

Privacy Policy and Cookies

This site uses cookies for the site skin changer. This can be more or less opted out of by not allowing Javascript, or just not using the skin changer and deleting any cookies from previous uses. This is the only custom element of the site to use cookies (or Javascript, so far), and only information stored is the selected skin, the URL of this website and relevant folder path, and the cookie's expiration date.

The only data I receive about visitors is Neocities' built-in site stats. As a free tier user, this only shows me aggregate hits and visitors. For further information, you can check out Neocities' own privacy policy.

I do not track or otherwise collect information about my visitors in any other way. :P

Site Credits

Some resources used by this website for various pages:


